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1 - The rules present here were created to better adapt to the reality of RF Online Sovereign, aiming at the total comfort of those who so desire. If any player is a reason for discord, disorder or obvious discrepancy of cognition with reality, it will be removed from the server, so that those present can have the comfort that the RF Online Sovereign team has provided them.

2 - To avoid problems of all kinds, read our rules section periodically. You will be able to be sure of your actions, and the server will be free of surprises.

3 - The rules are available to everyone. To read or not is a private matter, however, not reading the rules does not imply that you will not be punished.
4 - Any player can be punished. Be it an old, recent player, who has already donated to the server or not. Any player can be punished, regardless of their in-game status.

5 - RF Online Sovereign has its own policy of indecent subjects Many topics are not accepted in our in-game chats, because they contain words that are harmful to the health of the server. Publicly defaming the server's image, disclosing other servers, starting riots or continuing them, obscene words, acts of prejudice, racism, bullying*, disagreement between religious, ethnic, beliefs and their derivatives, soccer teams, sexual preferences, music options, social groups, financial scale and the like are reasons that RF Online Sovereign and its team cannot allow to be scored in chats.

6 - Donations help to keep the server online, for this same purpose, donations are non-refundable, since it is fully used upon receipt.

7 - RF Online Sovereign is a private server. As well as the same, we select our players at our discretion. All players present here, by having their accounts created, players created, and/or using any means provided by RF Online Sovereign and its team, agree that they are in full agreement with all activities of RF Online Sovereign, as well as its policies of rules, thus leaving no doubt that everyone is aware of rule #4, as well as the existence of all these subsequent topics.

8 - The RF Online Sovereign community, as well as the RF Online Sovereign group, Skype for support and all media outlets are small extensions of our server. Players must behave respectfully towards the team, as well as towards other players and guests. If necessary, we reserve the right to use the messages and images referring to these supports in public media (whatever they may be), to use as an example, point or brand. The subjects dealt with in the support are individual, but not subject to secrecy, and can be used openly anywhere.

9 - RF Online Sovereign, as well as its entire team, is not responsible for your character/ID/account/items/points, as well as anything existing and/or linked to them. Each player is responsible for their actions and items.

10 - Any player may be punished if he commits any clear or implicit act of trying to circumvent the natural means of RF Online Sovereign, rules, conduct or order. Punishments can be based on temporary or permanent blocking of the account, partial or total removal of cash / playtime points, contribution points, levels, quest items or any type of items, events, points or attributes earned within the server. Any external tool that is used, regardless of its purpose, may be grounds for blocking and banning characters and accounts from the server, thus not remaining any type of responsibility from the server to that player, who will not be able to claim his account again.

11 - RF Online Sovereign reserves the right to change its rules without prior notice.

12 - The RF Online Sovereign server is administered by people who give up part of their time at the discretion of donation to maintain order within it. These people can change game attributes like: Mob`s, Drop`s, Game CP, BOSSES Attributes, experience gain rate settings, and other subjects related to themes close to this one. These people, who help the RF Online Sovereign server on a voluntary basis, have no obligation to answer, support, solve problems at the software and/or hardware level. Administrators, moderators and Game Masters will provide support when they can and if they can (bearing in mind that RF Online Sovereign is a private server, and there are means independent of team members that are offered to players so that they can have their problems solved ).

13 - RF Online Sovereign and its team may (and will) block the account of those who raise controversies, lying, vexatious, absurd matters that are not consistent with the attitude of the server and its team towards the players. Do not raise a hypothesis without first contacting the RF Online Sovereign team.

14 - Bans and blocks are applied at three levels: - IP, LOG and ID`s.

15 - If you need support, contact the administrator directly, through private messages, using Facebook or Skype for this purpose. Contacts can be purchased from the Facebook group itself.

16 - Sharing accounts, or more than one person logging in is a reason for PERMANENT bans.

17 - The passive (automatic) events of RF Online Sovereign are not supported. That is: Drop events, xp, pt, cash point, vote point and the like. These events have their logic defined in the act of programming, and if the player is not suitable for it, he will not participate automatically, leaving the RF Online Sovereign team to guide him with evidence of the non-necessity of support for this type of event.

18 - The use of any tool, even if it is from the game itself (chat macro for example) if used improperly, can and will be treated as abuse. Chat macros, for example, become flood, from the moment that there is an unnecessary abuse of the use of this function. The player in question may receive from a chat block to an account block.

19 - The abuse of server functions and events (even the server itself) may result in permanent blocking. Agreements that harm playability, gameplay, or good fellowship are also categorized as role abuse and/or anti-game.
19.1 - Players who form groups, or who have actions that harm other players, or the server, in any way, may be banned or blocked for anti-game.
19.2 - Players who are interfering in any way with server events or the good coexistence of players will be blocked or banned.
19.3 - Manipulating events or functions is considered a serious infraction. The player in question may suffer from a simple 24-hour block to a permanent ban.

20 - RF Online Sovereign, its administrators, collaborators, GM's and team, do not exchange items, points, accessories, characters, account exchanges and similar actions. Each player is responsible for their account (Rule #9), and all actions taken must use only the normal terms of the server / game, without interference from the RF Online Sovereign team. The insistence and excessive requests, and/or attempt to impose your will against this rule, may result in a temporary or permanent blocking of the login in question.

 21 - About the donation link and the packages listed therein ( The packages listed refer to donations, where each one of them represents a bonus, at the discretion of thanks / congratulations to those who willingly donate to RF Online Sovereign. These donations are not linked / attributed to any individual, but only to the RF Online Sovereign server, with the sole purpose of donating, without interest in buying, exchanging, selling or bartering at any level. Regardless of the form of donation, it is not characterized as a sale, since, as described in all the links, donations are made voluntarily, without contractual need, as they are characterized at all times as a donation without the need to identify individual and/or legal entity of the parties.

22 - Trading accounts, points or items between players is illegal. Any player, account, login, points, attributes or items that are sold or exchanged, even if for free and detected by the RF Online Sovereign team, will be prohibited from using the server, they will have their accounts blocked and their characters excluded from the RF Online Sovereign server . Trading between players is a serious infraction, and those involved will not be able to return to the server.

23 - Farming in-game cash with more than one account, using PlayTime on more than one account, selling game items for real money, selling accounts or points, using GameCP for the benefit of more than one account, login or user.
23.1 - If the user commits this infraction more than once, the team may withdraw their cash, vote or gold points. It may even block the account indefinitely.
23.2 - Depending on the gravity and type of infraction, the user may be blocked permanently.

24 - If a player is punished for some action on the server, this punishment may (and will be) aggravated if the player keeps inciting disorder or disturbing peace on the server.
A - A player receives a temporary block and goes to FanPage support to question the ADm / GM using words of acid content or profanity.
B - A player seeks out the ADM or GM via WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook or any other social and/or private media to take the game debate / issue / discussion personally.

25 - The player who is seen using advice set without being on the advice or who is caught with more than 1 advice set will lose all sets he has, all contribution points and cash. Each player can only have 1 advice set (5 pieces in all). We remind everyone that our Game CP is open and that both players and GM`s can see the equipment that players use.

26 - Be careful when lending or exchanging items. You will be responsible for anything that occurs with the use of these items that were exchanged and / or borrowed. If you lend an item to a friend / colleague, and this friend / colleague is banned, you will be without your item (the GM or Admin will not be able to return the item to you) and will also have your account placed under observation.

27 - The RF Online Sovereign team will not interfere in matters related to the game (CW, GvG, PvP, PNA, RAID, Quest, UP, PK, player offending player, etc). Players must be aware that they are responsible for their actions on the server. An ADM or GM will never interfere in your private affairs within the game. Matters such as mob train, towers in portals, mines in strategic locations, players closing map portals and/or similar matters must be reported to the archon and race council, as they are responsible for organizing the race.

28 - If you loaned or exchanged an item (whatever it may be) to another player, you are solely responsible for the use of this item. We do not allow the trading of items, and we do not manage trades. If you decide to make this exchange or loan, keep in mind that you are assuming responsibility for the use that the player will make of your equipment (s).

29 - The "cash farm" or the abuse of the functions of the awarded playtime event will result in permanent blocking of the player's total accounts.

30 - New Prohibition Rule for Towers in Portals and Teles. Subject to Ban for Hours or Even Days.

*=Bullying (Anglicism, bullying, pronounced AFI: [ˈbʊljɪŋ]) is a term used to describe acts of physical or psychological violence, intentional and repeated, practiced by an individual (from the English bully, bully or bully) or group of individuals causing pain and anguish, being performed within an unequal power relationship.

© RF Online Sovereign is a private server. Your stay here implies acceptance of the rules.
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